5th Workshop on Pervasive Advertising

Call for Papers

In conjunction with Pervasive 2012, 19 June 2012, Newcastle, UK

Submission Deadline: March 9, 2012

At the focus of this workshop we are interested in novel applications of pervasive computing technologies for advertising purposes. Pervasive Advertising is finally gaining importance at a rapidly accelerating pace also outside of research labs, and policy makers, industrial players, and citizen have difficulty in keeping up. The success of this workshop series in exploring and structuring the field has recently been demonstrated by the book on Pervasive Advertising that has been co-authored by leading researchers of the community. The exponential developments identified in the book keep pushing the field forward, and we believe it is crucial to continue the workshop series as a venue for recent developments.

Read more at the Pervasive Advertising Website:

Magical Mirrors 2.0

Yesterday, I visited the Looking Glas installation at a Telekom shop in Berlin that Jörg Müller and his team startet in September this year. Three interactive storefront displays invite passers-by to play virtual soccer. The installation was partly inspired by our Magical Mirrors installation from 2006.

Requirements and Design Space for Interactive Public Displays

Figure: The Audience Funnel – adapted version
Jörg Müller, Florian Alt, Daniel Michelis, Albrecht Schmidt, in: Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia (MM ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1285-1294


Digital immersion is moving into public space. Interactive screens and public displays are deployed in urban environments, malls, and shop windows. Inner city areas, airports, train stations and stadiums are experiencing a transformation from traditional to digital displays enabling new forms of multimedia presentation and new user experiences. Continue reading ‘Requirements and Design Space for Interactive Public Displays’

Audience Funnel

Figure: The Audience Funnel framework
Michelis, Müller (2011) International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 27, Issue 6)

Paper Abstract

Data are presented from observations of Magical Mirrors, a set of four large public displays with gesture-based interaction installed in downtown Berlin, Germany. The displays show a mirror image of the environment in front of them and react with optical effects to the gestures of the audience. Observations of audience behavior revealed recurring behavioral patterns, like glancing at a first display while passing it, moving the arms to cause some effects, then directly approaching one of the following displays and positioning oneself in the center of the display. This was often followed by positioning oneself in the center of the other displays to explore the possibilities of the different effects, and sometimes by taking photographs or videos. From these observations a framework of interaction with gesture-based public display systems was deduced. It describes the phases of passing by a display, viewing & reacting, subtle interaction, direct interaction, multiple interactions, and follow-up actions. Quantitative data of these behavioral phases was collected by observing 660 passers-by on 2 weekend evenings. This article shows how many passers-by pass the thresholds between these phases. This “Audience Funnel” should provide a framework to encourage systematic investigation of public display systems and enable comparability between different studies.

Download full text on the publisher’s website.

CFP: 4th Workshop on Pervasive Advertising

Final Call for Papers

4th Workshop on Pervasive Advertising

(in conjunction with Pervasive 2011, June 12 2011, San Francisco, US)

Submission Deadline:  February 11, 2011 (extended) Continue reading ‘CFP: 4th Workshop on Pervasive Advertising’

Konferenz: Inside Out-of-Home-Displays — Interaktivität + Interaktion

Am 17. November 2010 leite ich ein Panel auf der Konferenz „Inside Out-of-Home-Displays” Interaktivität + Interaktion.

Professionell eingesetzt, vermag ein grosses, lebendiges und interaktives Display Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen, zu überraschen und zu unterhalten. Es sorgt für positive Emotionen und ein bewusstes Wahrnehmen von Inhalten. Es ermöglicht selbstgesteuerte Entdeckungsreisen, detaillierte Zusatzinformationen und individualisierte Services. Dabei kommen unterschiedlichste Technologien, Formen und Bespielungskonzepte zur Anwendung.

Branchenexperten sind eingeladen zur Konferenz

„Inside Out-of-Home-Displays”
Interaktivität + Interaktion

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010, 09:30 bis ca. 17:30 Uhr Continue reading ‘Konferenz: Inside Out-of-Home-Displays — Interaktivität + Interaktion’

Call for Chapters: Pervasive Advertising



Book on Pervasive Advertising

To appear in Springer HCI Series

Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: July 31, 2010


We invite you to submit chapters for the upcoming book on Pervasive Advertising. The book aims at providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in the field for researchers in HCI, Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing and Pervasive/Ubiquitous Marketing, as well as management and practitioners in advertising industries.

We invite chapters on technological, strategic and ethnographic issues of Pervasive Advertising. Continue reading ‘Call for Chapters: Pervasive Advertising’

PlakaDiva 2010: Questions from Magicalmirrors’ Readers?

Preparing my talk on digital signage / interactive out-of-home media and user behaviour in public space http://tinyurl.com/y2ge2nl

I will post the slides after the conference. Do you have any specific questions you want to be included?

Evaluating Natural User Interfaces for Public Displays in the Wild

by Jörg Müller, Daniel Michelis, Chris Kray
Position Paper, Workshop Natural User Interfaces, CHI 2010


One major application area of Natural User Interfaces are public displays, which are often not intended to help the user fulfill a certain task, but rather to be engaging, inspiring and entertaining. A key issue in this area is how to evaluate these systems and their user interfaces. Based on the case study of Magical Mirrors, we identify challenges that occur with evaluating such systems and propose ways to address these evaluation challenges. Challenges include the lack of a welldefined task, the difficulty of describing and observing audience behavior, the briefness and sparseness of typical interactions, and the public nature of the space.


Public Displays are by definition provided for a very broad user base, many of whom will not have encountered the display before. For such situations, Natural User Interfaces (NUIs), which aim to be learnable very quickly, are ideally suited. Such NUIs can involve touch [5] or gestures [4]. Typically, people pass by such displays at a distance, where gestures are well suited to initiate interaction. Rather than to support the user in a specific task, we argue that the most interesting application of such public displays may be to engage, inspire and entertain the audience. The fun of interaction may be an end in itself. We deployed Magical Mirrors, a set of public displays where passers-by can interact with gestures, and manually observed how the public interacted with the displays. We report on the challenges we encountered while evaluating the system and indicate ways to address these challenges. Continue reading ‘Evaluating Natural User Interfaces for Public Displays in the Wild’

Interaktion ohne Holzhammer (only in German)

Die Dezemberausgabe 09 des Magazin “Plakativ” berichtet ausführlich über mein aktuelles Buch “Interaktive Großbildschirme im öffentlichen Raum.” Plakativ erscheint in Kooperation mit dem Fachverband Aussenwerbung e.V.

Artikel als PDF (Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors).

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